criminal defense

house arrest rules in Arizona

House Arrest Rules in Arizona

By The Nolan Law Firm | Feb 4, 2022

Arizona is one of the states with the highest prison population rates in the United States. For this reason, the Grand Canyon State has adopted other alternatives to incarceration. House arrest is a great example of such an option. What Is House Arrest? House arrest is an inexpensive alternative to incarceration in jail or prison…

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medication drop-off disposal

How to Dispose of Unused Medications

By The Nolan Law Firm | Jan 5, 2022

When a doctor prescribes you medication, it comes with certain responsibilities. The expectation is that you will use it only as directed, keep it away from unauthorized users, and properly dispose of any leftover portion. Prescriptions only remain in effect for limited amounts of time. Even if you initially got the medication from a doctor,…

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disorderly conduct - street fight

What are Disorderly Conduct Defenses in Arizona?

By The Nolan Law Firm | Jan 4, 2022

Sometimes referred to as “disturbing the peace”, disorderly conduct is a crime that can be committed in a variety of ways. Arizona’s law definition of the charge is very broad, allowing for a great deal of subjectivity. Consequently, many times this will be the charge for someone when their crime simply doesn’t fit any other…

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Roadside drug test

Roadside Drug Tests Are Unreliable

By The Nolan Law Firm | Dec 12, 2021

Though medical marijuana is legal in Arizona, driving while under the influence of drugs is not. As a result of evolving laws across the country, officers began implementing roadside tests for marijuana that are similar to the breathalyzer test for alcohol. The problem with these tests — as well as roadside tests that measure actual…

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police arresting man

What is the Difference Between Probable Cause and Reasonable Suspicion?

By The Nolan Law Firm | Dec 3, 2021

Reasonable suspicion and probable cause are often confused because they typically go hand-in-hand. When police officers detain someone, search their property or body or arrest someone for any alleged crime, they usually identify reasonable suspicion, followed closely by probable cause. While the terms are often used interchangeably they are slightly different in terms of their…

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hammer cracking glass

What is Criminal Damage & What are the Penalties?

By The Nolan Law Firm | Nov 2, 2021

If you have been arrested for criminal damage in Arizona, you likely want to know what this charge is all about. Thankfully, the following is a breakdown of the charge, and what you can expect penalty-wise if you are found guilty of this crime. What is Criminal Damage? Criminal damage is a charge that means…

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Person typing on laptop

Online Child Abuse, Exploitation and Child Grooming

By The Nolan Law Firm | Oct 12, 2021

With all its virtues, the internet has made the sexual abuse and exploitation of children easier, so the web is a prime hunting ground for predators. Both real and false claims of online sexual abuse occur all over the United States, including in Arizona. What is online child sexual abuse? Online child sexual abuse occurs…

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probation hearing in court

What Is a Motion to Revoke Probation?

By The Nolan Law Firm | Oct 1, 2021

Probation is an agreement in essence between the convicted party and the sentencing party that the convicted individual will adhere to certain guidelines, instead of serving prison or jail time. The main purpose of probation is the rehabilitation of a defendant and is often relegated to cases that involve first-time or low-risk offenders. When the…

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Lawyer discussing legal case with client

Best Advice for Consulting with a Lawyer

By The Nolan Law Firm | Aug 26, 2021

Meeting with a lawyer for the first time to evaluate your case can be a bit overwhelming. From understanding the legal intricacies of your case well enough to convey them to wondering how you will pay for an attorney’s services to asking yourself how to consult with a lawyer in the first place, it can…

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black revolver gun with bullets

Penalties for Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm in Arizona

By The Nolan Law Firm | Jul 28, 2021

In the state of Arizona, there are several types of offenses that could land you in jail or at least result in some sort of legal penalty. One of these offenses is the criminal negligence charge of unlawful discharge of a firearm, along with more severe penalties related to the discharge of a firearm. To…

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