Protect Your Rights with Todd Nolan

Arizona Gun Laws & Weapons Charges Attorney


Are You Facing a Weapons Charge in Arizona?

Gun laws have been a much-discussed topic in the United States recently. However, there are important differences between federal and state firearm laws.

If you are facing weapons charges, work with an attorney who is experienced in both state and federal gun laws. The Nolan Law Firm has vast experience and can protect your freedom.

Understand Federal Firearms Laws

The National Firearms Act (NFA) restricts the sale and ownership of certain types of guns, including short-barreled shotguns and machine guns. Under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, you are also limited or prohibited from owning a gun if you were convicted of certain crimes, are a fugitive from justice, were convicted of domestic violence, or meet certain other criteria.

The consequences for breaking federal gun laws vary but often include imprisonment and fines.

Arizona Gun Laws

States place varying restrictions on a person’s ability to carry a firearm. However, these restrictions usually fall into one of the following categories:

  • Permissive open carry: You may carry a firearm openly without a license.
  • Licensed open carry: You may only carry a firearm openly if you have a license.
  • Anomalous open carry: Your ability to carry a firearm depends on local laws.
  • Nonpermissive open carry: You may not carry a firearm openly, even if you have a license, except under special circumstances.

Arizona is a permissive open carry state. However, if you have committed a felony, national gun laws may still limit your ability to own or carry a firearm.

How Gun Laws Affect Other Criminal Charges

Crimes that involve dangerous weapons, such as guns, may be added to other charges. Some examples of common weapons charges include:

  • Unlawful discharge of a gun
  • Felon in possession of a firearm
  • Assault with a deadly weapon
  • Aggravated assault
  • Firearm possession while a crime is being committed

If you have been charged with a gun crime or other weapons charge, call the team at The Nolan Law Firm for skilled defense. We’re experienced with criminal charges and appeals, as well as federal crimes. We will fight aggressively for your rights while keeping you informed throughout the legal process.

Get the Defense Help You Need

Trust your defense to The Nolan Law Firm. Call us today at 480-773-7901 or send us a message online if you are facing a weapons charge.